Servohydraulic Test Systems
MTS – Bionix Tabletop Test Systems
Flexible, easy-to-use servohydraulic test systems feature in axial and axial/torsional configurations for biomaterials and medical components
- DIMENSIONS: 622 mm wide x 577 mm deep and 2185 mm high
- The axial/torsional configuration is up to ± 250 N·m (± 2200 lbf·in) and total rotations of 270°
- The axial configuration is up to ± 25 kN (5.5 kip) with standard displacements of ± 50 mm (± 2 in.)
Address : No. 1, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel : (06) 2757575-63422
FAX : (06) 2343270